KAASHI is the story of a young man who burns dead bodies for a living. Kaashi (Sharman Joshi) lives in Varanasi and burns dead bodies to make a living. This is his family profession. He lives with his father (Kamalakant Mishra), mother (Anita Sehgal) and younger sister, Ganga (Priyanka Singh). He meets Devina (Aishwarya Devan), a journalist, who has come to Varanasi. Devina is introduced to Kaashi's family as she wants to write about him. Devina and Kaashi soon fall in love with one another.
One day, Ganga doesn't return from college till night. A worried Kaashi and Devina launch a search for Ganga but draw a blank. Then Devina introduces Shruti (Mugdha Meharia) to Kaashi. Shruti, a friend of Ganga, tells Kaashi that his sister was in a relationship with Abhimanyu Pandey (Mehul Surana), s... Read More
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Looop Lapeta
Waah Zindagi
36 Farmhouse
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