The Movie story deals with Venkataratnam Naidu a young boy who lives with his younger half-brother, stepfather Naidu and mother in Kondaveedu which is a village in Guntur District. His stepfather is always partial towards his half-brother which constantly angers Venkataratnam. He starts to not care about what other people think about him and renames himself after "Gabbar Singh", a popular antagonist character from Sholay. His anger towards his brother and father grows and he runs away from home. His stepfather, Naidu catches him and joins him in a boarding school away from Kondaveedu.
21 years later, a scene shows a gang of robbers trying to steal money from a bank in Kondaveedu, when Gabbar Singh, now a cop, tries to recover the money by beating up the robbers. It is revealed that Gab... Read More