The story revolves around the life of four young friends; Dev, who organizes adventure camps; Gaurav, a boxer whose father is a big-time politician; Devi, the odd-one out of the group and Aditya; the reasonable & sensible one. When Devi is harassed and upset by a local shopkeeper, the group kidnaps the shopkeeper, and drive out far, only to be interrupted by the police.
This time, however, Gaurav or his father can not get the group out of trouble, because they are not stopped by any ordinary police officer, they were stopped by Chautala, an unique, eccentric & violent policeman who?s every bit corrupt. He kills the shopkeeper, and demands a big amount of money from the four or else he will have them arrested for the murder of the shopkeeper and other crimes. How the four overcome this blackmail by Chautala, how they try to raise the money & how they mature over the film is what Fugly has in store for you!