The story of Dil Chahta Hai revolves around three young friends, Aakash (Aamir Khan), Sameer (Saif Ali) and Sid (Akshaye Khanna), their friendship, how it changes with times, their love lives and, finally about growing up. Actually, there is not much of story here. The storyline, in fact, is quite thin. But Farhan Akhtar has fleshed it out so well. The screenplay is sound and the dialogues are so very contemporary. The first part of the film does tend to drag ever so slightly, but it has some of the most brilliant scenes. The pace picks up in the second half, which is flwaed by the presence of certain cliches which the director takes recourse to. One can almost forgive him that because Dil Chahta Hai is a film which moves us, makes us laugh.It is a bittersweet experience, part pain, part l... Read More