Set in 1983, the story begins with Ravi (Ajay Devgan) winning a fighting competition at a club. He is known as 'Himmatwala' (courageous man). He then goes to Ramnagar village, where he meets his mother, Savitri, and his younger sister, Padma, who are living a miserable life.
Ravi's mother tells him that his father was an honest and respected man, and he was the priest of the temple. His father was framed by Sher Singh, the tyrant zamindar (landlord), for robbing the temple since the latter saw him commit a murder. Disgusted, Ravi's father committed suicide. In revenge, young Ravi tried to kill Sher Singh, but failed. When Ravi's house is burnt, Savitri tells him to run away as Sher Singh will kill him.
With revenge in his mind, Ravi beats up Narayan Das, Singh's manager and brother-in-la... Read More