The film revolves around Pooja (Karisma) and Shiv Kapoor (Abhishek), who are both vying for the same job. Pooja manages to fool the guy into thinking she is the boss's daughter. She promises to hand over his resume to her father and gets him to leave. She then lands the job. Meanwhile Shiv chases Pooja all over, trying to persuade her to get Papa dear to give him a job. Then he spots another advertisment by the same company for general manager. He applies and lands the job. He also realises how Pooja had been stringing him along. But by this time, since he has fallen in love with her and asks her to marry him. They have a short but not-so-sweet honeymooon in Switzerland where Shiv bumps into old collegemate (Simone Singh). In the most cliched of circumstances, the two friends are forced to... Read More
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Looop Lapeta
Waah Zindagi
36 Farmhouse
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